Sunday, September 16, 2007

Baked Bean and Tofu

My niece Zhi Ying is coming to my house after school for the time being .

When my sister is not free , I will be buying her daughter's lunch .

In order to make my job easier and I make sure I won't buy the wrong food for her . I need her to list out some of the food that she does not like to eat . They are bitter gourd , steamed egg, luncheon meat, chickenn , beef , mutton , fish, pork and no spicy food.

The second choices are cabbage ,kangkung(蕹菜), mustard green (菜心)and hotdog(热狗)and fried egg.

So, what is the food that she eats ?

She only takes baked beans , tofu and sweet & sour pork (咕噜肉). You can only buy her packed lunch in these 3 dishes , everyday ! What a bored meal ! But ,she still like them as they are there.

Friday, September 7, 2007

尖不达蛋糕 - Cempedak Cake

006 Cempedak cake , 尖不达蛋糕

当我在书局翻阅食谱时,有个女人告诉我说,她最近烘焙了一个 尖不达雪纺蛋糕 (  Cempedak  Chiffon Cake ),非常美味。

一天,我有些 Cempedak ,就用厨房剪刀剪成 1 X1 cm 大小,然后烘焙成蛋糕。

注 : 榴莲蛋糕也可以用这个食谱。也是用剪刀剪断榴莲的纤维肉。不过,要放几滴榴莲香精 ( durian essence) .

Cempedak Cake : ( 2 loaves )Ingredient :
300 g  牛油butter / 菜油 margarine
150 g  幼糖castor sugar
300 g 面粉 flour + 2 tsp 小匙发粉 baking powder ( or 300 g self-raising flour)
5 个大鸡蛋 large eggs ,( 70g 每个)
20 ml 牛奶 milk / 水water
200 g 尖不达肉 ,用剪刀剪碎。 Cempedak flesh, cut with scissors.

Method :
1. 预热烤箱180 C 。Preheat oven to 180 C .
2. 牛油 + 幼糖,打至发白 ,3号速度,大概 10 分钟。 Beat butter + castor sugar until pale in colour ,10 mins .
3.  分开蛋黄和蛋白。Separate egg while and yolks.
4.   (2) 的混合体 + 蛋黄打 5分钟。 Add the egg yolks into (2) mixture and beat for 5 minutes.

5. 另外将蛋白打至站起 。In another bowl ,beat the egg white until it stand a peak.
6.    筛入面粉在 (4)的混合体后 + 25 ml 奶水 milk .。 Fold in sifted flour to egg yolk mixture (4 ), + 20 ml milk .
7.   + 尖不达肉 。+  cut cempedak flesh.
8.  + 蛋白沫,搅动均匀。 + egg white foam ----stir well.
9.  烤箱温度  Oven Temperature  : 180 C 。时间 Baking Time  : 40 分钟 。

Note : Place a bowl of hot water in the oven to avoid dryness of a cake.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

无言的道别 - Leaving Without Saying Goodbye

IMG_2539 银边麦冬




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