It was 10 a.m. by the time I reached the market . The crowd was become smaller . This would be better for me because they wouldn't block me from taking photographs.
We follow the Malays calling the market " pasar" too , but we pronounce it as "basa" in Chinese translation.
这里的菜市场,本地人都学着巫族叫它 "pasar" , 我们把它翻译为“巴刹”。
因为卖蔬菜的摊子,都在户外,加上热带猛烈的太阳,所以小贩们都架起他们自己准备的太阳伞。 那些五颜六色的太阳伞,在巴刹里,层层叠叠的,形成巴刹的另一种特色。
As the vegetables stalls are outdoor stalls , under the hot sun , so most of the hawkers pitch their own parasols. The colourful parasols become one of the features here.
This auntie will sell her vegetables until 1 or 2 p.m. when other hawkers have already finished packing up. So, you still can buy vegetables if you go to the market late.

除了蔬菜,还有些摊主会摘了自家种的花朵来这里卖。Besides vegetables , the hawkers will sell some flowers from their own garden.
Red Ginger Flowers 红姜花
秤 - 菜市场里,怎可以少了它呢 ? Weighing machine , how one can left it out ?
流浪狗 - 通常雌狗都会被人遗弃在菜市里。因为他们认为这些动物在这里会不愁没吃的。 Stray doy - usually the bitch will be abandoned in the market because the owner think that the dog will easily get their food here.
流浪狗 - 通常雌狗都会被人遗弃在菜市里。因为他们认为这些动物在这里会不愁没吃的。 Stray doy - usually the bitch will be abandoned in the market because the owner think that the dog will easily get their food here.
流浪者 -- 他常常在这一带走动,向人讨钱,讨香烟。有时邻近的餐饮店还会提供饮料给他喝。 不管是雨天或是艳阳天,他就是喜欢打着赤膊到处走来走去。
He is not homeless . He is always around this area , asking people to give him some money , cigarettes. Sometimes the restaurant owners will give him free drinks. He just like to bare and walking around regardless sunny or rainy days.
Is this pasar simee?
ReplyDeleteWaiyin : That's Pasar Bercham
ReplyDeleteOh I see. Never been there. Hehe.