今天我以这朵花, 欢迎你来到我的部落格 !
With this flower , Welcome to my blog today !

金马仑位于海拔1524 公尺的高处。基于它的气温介于摄氏14- 25 度,它才能长得如此鲜艳的花朵,如此碧绿的叶子。如果你喜欢大自然,喜欢幽静的生活,金马仑是个值得推荐的地方。
Cameron Highlands is 1524 (metre) above sea level. The temperature of Cameron Highland ranges from 14 - 25 C. The weather like this makes Cameron Highlands full of beautiful flowers and plants. If you like nature and tranquillity life , this place is highly recommended to you.
白刺金琥仙人球 - 多年生有刺肉质植物,仙人掌科属 ,可活上百年。它原产于墨西哥沙漠地区。白刺金琥虽然喜阳光充足,但遇到阳光直射时,还需适当遮光,以防灼伤球体。雨季要注意排水,因积水会导致根部腐烂。
Echinocactus grusonii is originated from Mexico . It is belonged to the cactaceae family . It is usually known as " Golden Barrel Cactus ". Although it likes to grow under the sun , direct sunlight will cause the spherical globe get "sunburn" . It also needs good drainage because excess water may rot the root in cool weather.

芦荟 - 源自于非洲北部,是多肉植物的一种。Aloe Vera - originated in northern Africa . It is a stemless succulent plant.
ReplyDeleteWaiyin : 其实我也不知道为什么照片上会有日期???
哈哈 莫非兄弟不是大陆人?
ReplyDelete剑走偏锋 :俺是马来西亚人!
ReplyDelete君 :有很多花的名字我并不知道,只知道:哇,这朵花很美!
我要在金马伦找供应商买多肉植物和空气凤梨 那位朋友可以帮帮忙 需要如何联系或电话?请各位帮帮我!