Wednesday, October 29, 2008

屠妖节之Kolam 图腾- Kolams of Deepavali

Kolam 是一种色彩斑斓的印度传统图腾。它由米浆或彩米勾画而成。
Kolam 多是由家里的女性成员,用手指在地上构成的几何图案。这图腾的用意是避免让邪恶进入家里,为家庭纳福祛灾,也带有欢迎访客到来之意。
Kolam is a painted prayers. It is drawn using rice flour paste or coloured rice by female members of the family at the entrance of the house. It is an invitation to welcome all into the house and also to prevent houses of devotees from devils and harm. Most of the kolams are in geomatric and mathematic lines and they are drawn with bare fingers.
百货商场入口处的Kolam图腾。Kolams at the entrance of shopping centres.





Tuesday, October 28, 2008

安琪拉的初恋- Angela's Pupyy Love

我有个中学生,对她的小学初恋(Puppy Love )一直而耿耿于怀 , 还在她的部落格里疏解对他的怀念。


他知道后,可能的后果有两个 :



Monday, October 27, 2008

新加坡的屠妖节- Deepavali in Singapore

小印度 位于实龙岗路(Serangoon Road ),你可以从乌节路乘搭65号巴士直接到竹脚菜市(Tekka Market )下车。你也可以乘坐地铁(MRT)到Douby Ghaut 或 Bugis 地铁站下车,走路大约十分钟就可到那里。


Little India is located at Serangoon Road , one can take a bus from Orchard Road and reach in front of Tekka Market . It is only 10 minutes walk from Douby Ghaut or Bugis MRT Station.
There are a lot of Indian restaurants here .One can easily smell the spices in the air. The Indian can get the goods which is imported from India at Little India.

It is rather crowded during Saturday or Sunday when Indian foreign workers to have their gathering , chit-chatting with their friends , shopping and eating authentic North / South Indian food in order to release their homesick.

当屠妖节来临之前,这里会设立张灯结彩,整条街会挂上和印度宗教有关的饰品, 宗教色彩浓郁的小印度也在屠妖节当天吸引游客前来参观游玩。

The streets are festooned with garlands , fairy lights and some religious symbols. It is also attracted many tourists to visit Little India during Deepavali.

下图 :虔诚的兴都教徒,都会到寺庙膜拜。这间位于 141,(实龙岗路)Serangoon Road 的 Veeramakaliamman Temple 是小印度最出名的寺庙 。
(Below ) : The most famous Hindu temple , Veeramakaliamman Temple is at 141 , Serangoon Road.

寺庙里边的设计。(The interior of the temple ).


铜器 (Brassware)。

小印度的年货市场。( Bazaar at Little India )

木雕(Wood Craving )


屠妖节之Bollywood 舞蹈 - Bollywood Dance Show

适逢屠妖节是公共假期,我的好友慧娟和KP从槟城回来怡保。就献上这场Bollywood 舞蹈给她们过节! 祝她们屠妖节快乐!
Since Deeepavali is a gazetted Public Holiday , my best friend Wai Ken and KP back to their hometown,Ipoh
. Let me present these Bollywood dances for them . Wishing them a Happy Deepavali !
什么时候轮到我么出场啊? When is my turn to go on stage ?

围观的各族群众。Audiences from different races are watching the presentation.


明年见!So long , see you next year !


Sunday, October 26, 2008

屠妖节除夕逛商场 - Deepavali Eve at A Shopping Centre

祝所有的印度同胞“屠妖节快乐”! Happy Deepavali to all the Hindus !

马来西亚三大民族之一的印度同胞,会在十月尾或十一月初庆祝“屠妖节”。屠妖节也称为“万灯节”, " avali " 是“一排排的”的意思,“deepa ” 是“灯”的意思,它也代表了“光明驱走黑暗,善良战胜邪恶”。

在传说中,有个叫Narakasura 的魔王,在他的统治下,老百姓民不聊生。天神Krishna 知道后,为民除害,把魔王给杀了,Narakasura 死的当天,老百姓兴高采烈的点灯庆祝,他们也就把这天称为“屠妖节”。



Deepavali is also known as " The Festival of Light ". The word Deepavali comes from : Lighting rows of ("avali") lamps ( "deepa").

I went go to a shopping centre in Ipoh during the eve of Deepavali. The shopping centre is decorated with beautiful ribbons and lots of bulbs . A stage is ready there in order to let the Indian dancers to perform Bollywood dance later.

Lights or lamps signify the victory of good over devil. The Hindus are thanking the god for the happiness, knowledge , peace and wealth that they have received.


Friday, October 24, 2008

山景城 - Mountain View, California

山景城 (Mountain View )是位于美国加州圣塔克拉拉县(Santa Clara County),它也是美国第一座完全覆盖免费无线网的城市。 Google 的总部就设在这里。

这里有一间由一位香港人经营了75年(years)之久的中-英双语国际学校------“美国矽谷耀中国际学校”( Yew Chong International School Silicon Valley provides Mandarin-English bilingual for PreK-12).


Mountain View 街景。

卖湖南菜的餐馆 (A Hunan Cuisine restaurant ) .


Monday, October 20, 2008

九曲花街,三藩市 - Lombart Street,San Francisco

九曲花街被美誉为“世界上最弯的街道”,东西方向,单向行驶 。它一共有八个急弯,为了要减低汽车行驶时的冲力,行驶速度为8km/h (5mph)而且路面铺上砖块来增加摩擦力,以确保司机的安全。

Lombart Street is crowned " The Crookedest Street in the World" .It is an east-west ,one-way street. It has 8 hairpin turns.The speed limit is 5 mph (8km/h). The Powell-Hyde cable car line stops at the top of this block.

Powell Hyde 的缆车站也以这路的最上端为终点。过了这条马路,再走下去,就是下面这张照片。 ( After crossing this road , that's the view you can see here ).

这是Tony Bennett 唱的“ I Left My Heart In San Francisco ”(我把我的心留在三藩市)歌词:
The loveliness of Paris
Seems somehow sadly gay
The glory that was Rome
Is of another day
I've been terribly alone
And forgotten in Manhattan
I'm going home to my city by the bay.
I left my heart in San Francisco
High on a hill, it calls to me.
To be where little cable cars Climb halfway to the stars!
The morning fog may chill the air I don't care!
My love waits there in San Francisco Above the blue and windy sea .
When I come home to you, San Francisco,
Your golden sun will shine for me!

如要参加“城市一日游”,可游览 他们有会说几种语言的导游,包括华语。
城市一日游的旅费大约是在USD41-USD100 (美金)之间。

Sunday, October 19, 2008

椰树和枯树 - A Coconut Tree and A Dead Tree




A coconut tree and a dead tree ,
one is growing abundantly
and the other one has no sign of living at all.
I love coconut tree as it reminds me of Kuantan , Pahang
where I spent my childhood there .
I am no longer going back there
since 9 years old...........

Coffee Orange Marble Cake - 橙味咖啡大理石蛋糕


我常常都做 Chocolate Orange Marble Cake , 这次换换口味,不如做 Coffee Orange Marble Cake 吧。反正都要做了,就做了两个小 loaf 盘(2" X 4 " X 8 " ) 和一个大 loaf 盘 ( 2" X 5" X 9" ) 的大理石蛋糕 。
I always bake Chocolate Orange Marble Cake . Let me change to something different this time . How about baking a Coffee Orange Marble Cake ? Since I need to do so, I might as well bake more than 1 cake . So , I bake 2 small loaves ( 2 " X 4 " X 8" ) and 1 big loaf ( 2" X 5 " X 9" ) of marble cake.

这两张照片,送给远在美国的外甥女,Ashley,让她留完口水!(I present these photographs to my niece , Ashley who lives in USA . Let her drool !)



橙味咖啡大理石蛋糕 ( Coffee Orange Marble Cake ) :

材料 (ingredient ) :

400 g 菜油 或牛油 (margarine / butter)

300 g 细糖 ( castor sugar )

400 g 自发面粉 ( self-raising flour ) 或or 普通面粉(all-purpose flour )+ 2 小匙(tsp)发粉 (baking powder )

8 粒 鸡蛋 ( eggs )

1 小匙 橙味香精 ( 1 tsp orange flavour extract )

20 ml ( 1/2 粒橙的)橙汁 + 切细的橙皮,不要白色的部分,会有苦味。(20 ml orange juice , from 1/2 of orange +orange zest ,avoid the white part of the peel ,it's bitter )

3 小匙即溶咖啡粉 + 1 小匙可可粉(3 tsp instant coffee powder + 1 tsp cocoa powder )-----〉用20ml 沸水泡开,让粉状溶解 (melt in 20 ml hot water ),待冷( let it cool )。

方法 (Method ):

1. 菜油 + 细糖 ---- 〉搅拌至白色。( margarine + castor sugar --->beat until fluffy )

2. + 鸡蛋 + 面粉 ----〉+ (1),拌匀。( + eggs + flour into (1 ) ,mixed well )

3. 把 1/2 已加入鸡蛋和面粉的面糊分出 + 咖啡液。( Take 1/2 of the batter + coffee liquid ).

4. 将另一半的面糊 + 橙汁 + 橙皮 + 橙味香精 ----〉搅匀 。

( The other part of the batter + orange juice + orange zest + orange flavour extract , mix well ).

5. 将白色和褐色的面糊相间的倒 进烘盘里 , 用小匙画上 " S " ,以呈大理石状。

(Place the white portion and the brown portion of the batter alternately , then use a teaspoon to draw an "S" shape in order to get the marble-like cake).

6. 放进预热摄氏( Preheat Oven ) : 180 C ( or 375 F )的烘炉里。

7. 时间 Time : 40- 45 分钟 (mins) 或熟透为止(or until skewer comes out dry )。



Friday, October 17, 2008

Stevens Creek County Park 休闲公园

Stevens Creek County Park 是位于加州的 Cupertino 镇 ,在1924年建成。它也是Santa Barbara County Park 里历史最悠久的一个休闲公园。它的面积占1077 英亩(acres),那里有一个 92 英亩的蓄水池。
有山有水的大自然 , 当然是人们观鸟, 垂钓野餐和远足的好地方。Stevens Creek County Park 的开放时间是在早上8.00到太阳下山。


Stevens Creek County Park is located at Cupertino, CA . It was established in 1924. It is also the oldest of Santa Clara County Parks. It is 1077 acres including a 92 acres resevoir.
This recreational resources , of course , is the nature lovers' paradise for bird watching , fishing , picnicking and hiking. The opening hour for the park is at 8.00 a.m. until sunset.

当我们到达 Stevens Creek County Park 的时候,已经是中午时分,头上顶着个大太阳,皮肤被灼得热烘烘地。 因此,我们只逗留了一阵子就离开了。
By the time we reached Stevens Creek County Park , it was noon. The place is too hot for us to stay longer . So , we just stayed there for a short while and left .



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