我觉得用WMF 的saucepan 来煮会更好,因为它的锅底够厚,可以将温度保持较久的时间。
我做的那天,怡保刚好晚上下雨,天气有点冷,我就把电烘炉( oven) 开热后,打开烘炉的门,让它里边的温度降到温暖时,将整个saucepan 放进去。
我是在晚上11.45pm 才做好。(大概8、9个小时后)早上9am 醒来就可以将它放进冰箱,3个小时后就可以大口大口的吃了 !
自制酸乳酪 ( Homemade Yogurt ) :
材料 ( Ingredient) :
(A) 一瓶 150 g 原味 酸乳酪 (1 cup of Natural yogurt / plain yogurt, without any flavour ).
(B ) 1 升 原味低脂鲜奶 ( 1 litre low fat fresh milk )
方法 ( Method ) :
1. 把所有要用的勺子汤匙和不锈钢锅放热水煮沸,以作消毒之用。
2. 将低脂牛奶放在不锈钢锅煮温(大概在摄氏82-85),但别让它煮沸。用不锈刚勺子(或汤匙)慢慢搅动牛奶以防它烧焦或粘锅。
Heat the milk in a stainless steel pot( about until 82-85 C) , but not boiling . Stir it slowly with stainless steel scoop or spoon in order to prevent scorching.
3. 再让牛奶降温到 摄氏32(像给婴儿泡奶的温度),倒进酸乳酪, 搅匀。然后放在温暖的地方8个小时即可(可以放在太阳下晒两个小时)。
Allow the milk to cool in room temperature until 32 C ( or like the temperature for making milk for baby ). Pour in the natural yogurt.
4. 酸酪形成后,就可把它放在玻璃瓶,然后放进冰箱里3个小时再拿出来吃。
When the yogurt is set , pour the yogurt into a bottle ( glass) , keep the yogurt in the refrigerator for 3 hours before serving .

Nice! Seems very tasty with the fruit and blueberry jam.
ReplyDeleteColin ,The yogurt will be quite sour without the fruit or jam.