Thursday, November 27, 2008

吃风- Let's Travel

早上出去买报纸时,也买了这一期(第50期),12月份的“吃风”旅游杂志。在架子上另外还有两本的旅游杂志。 我选了这本是因为让它的有关“Free & Easy 自由行热潮”的课题所吸引。

本期还随书附送一本48页的“2009 吃风手册”-2009Planner。里面还有由一月份到十二月份,每个月份有介绍哪里是旅游的好去处。例如:一月份的旅游好去处是云南和黄金海岸。


- 世界各国驻马来西亚大使馆。
- 马来西亚驻世界各国大使馆的电话和传真号码,网址,电邮地址。
- 马来西亚各航空公司的网址,电话和传真号码。

- 马来西亚各州的酒店电话号码和网址。
- 马来西亚旅行社的电话号码。


他们的《遇见幸福摄影家》的网址为 :.



在这本杂志里,还备有马来西亚亲善旅游在设有“年轻经济之旅”( Young and Easy Budget Tour), 让旅客可以轻松自由的安排自己想要的行程。

西马 :RM8.00
东马 :RM9.20
新加坡 :$6.00


相关帖子 Related Posts :

1. Travel Malaysia - 马来西亚旅游

2. Tourim Malaysia Official Site ( 马来西亚旅游官方网页,英文)

3. Eating Out- 出外用餐

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

香蕉蛋糕- Banana Cake

在众多本地水果里,可以用来做蛋糕的,有榴莲,Cempedak 和香蕉。这些水果的水份不会太多,口感好,所以在做蛋糕时,它们就能派上用场。做香蕉蛋糕通常要用Pisang Emas, 因为这类香蕉在蛋糕烘好后,才能带出香蕉独特的味道,蛋糕才会香气四溢。
Among the local fruits , there are durian, cempedak and banana can be used to bake cakes. These fruits won't be too watery and they are the best for making local fruit cakes.

IMG_0616 Pisang Emas

今天我做了2个大loaves - I have baked 2 big loaves

和一个小loaf 的香蕉蛋糕。 and 1 small loaf banana cake.


材料 (Ingredients):

300 g 菜油 (margarine)
150 g 细糖 ( castor sugar)
330 g 面粉 (flour )+ 2 小匙发粉( tsp baking powder )+ 1/4 小匙(tsp)Soda Bicarbonate
5 粒 鸡蛋 (Eggs)

220 g - 250 g pisang emas 香蕉 (banana)

1 小滴香蕉香精(a drop of banana Flavour essence ,Star Brand)
清水 2 大匙 ( 2 tbsp water)

制法: 和一般蛋糕制法一样。先把A搅匀,后加B。
Method : Just like baking other cakes .Mixed A ,then add in B.

Oven : 180 C
Time 35 mins


IM007137 Banana Cake , 香蕉蛋糕

其他水果蛋糕:Cempedak Cake


Monday, November 24, 2008

逛市场 - Shopping Spree


李太约了我到Jaya Jusco 走走。我们走了一会儿,到这间叫“讲士讲啡”的咖啡店 (福建音:Kopitiam) 喝咖啡,吃午餐。我们选的当然是怡保的白咖啡啦!

Mrs Lee and I went to Ipoh Jaya Jusco. After a while , we went to this "Chatter Kopitiam" and had our lunch there. Of course , we ordered the white coffee.

座无虚席 - Full-house

怡保白咖啡 -Ipoh White coffee

咖哩鸡椰浆饭 - 咖哩鸡的味道并不怎么样,我们还开玩笑的说咖哩鸡由我来煮!
Nasi Lemak with Chicken Curry.

Nasi Lemak is Malaysian coconut cream cooked with rice. The dish is served with fried anchovies , peanuts , hard boilded eggs (or fried egg ) , chilli paste ("sambal ") and sliced cucumbers.

半生熟蛋 垫面包 - Half boiled egg with bread.


楼下的面包店。 Bread shop , ground floor.

Secret Recipe 的食物广告。 Secret Recipe's adverstisement

Jaya Jusco 内售卖的马来西亚双峰塔纪念品。RM24.90 - Malaysia Petronas Twin Towers souvenir .



怡保MPH 书局。
MPH Bookstore , Ipoh .

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圣诞饰物 - X'mas decorations

女性的最爱 - Ladies' favourite .

项链 Necklaces


Sunday, November 23, 2008

群山伴我行 - Mountains Are With Me

淡淡的薄雾,围绕在山头 - The morning mist is over the hilltop.

These mountains stand quietly along the North-South Expressway while you are driving to your destination.
它们时而白雾霭霭 - Sometimes they are with thick mist

时而揭开雾的面纱,让你看清它的“庐山真面目”。 Sometimes you will have a clear view of them.

I took these photos in the car and it caused such a blurred result.

大片的热带雨林 - Tropical rainforest .

连绵不绝的山脉 - Mountain range

霹雳州内的大理石石矿 - Marble Quarry in Perak

晨雾 - Morning mist


Thursday, November 20, 2008

忘却 - To Forget







若干年以后 ,有一天 , 你走在人来人往的大街,突然一抬头,他的影子在脑子里一闪而过 。

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

巴刹二楼 - The Second Floor of the Market

从这一条梯走上去,就是吃吃喝喝的地方。有些人还会骑脚踏车或摩托车上去。另外,还有一级一级的楼梯走上去的。 消费人都不愿意爬上二楼的熟食档,他们会买完菜后,直接回家,所以,这里的熟食小贩的生意都受影响。


One can go upstairs from this way , there is the place for drinking and eating . Some of them even take their bicycles and motorcycles up there. Besides this , there is another staircase for people to reach the second floor. Usually the consumers do not like to go up there . They will go home directly after buying their stuff. So , the business of the hawkers is affected .

这里只有早上11.00 前才有人潮。过后,这里会恢复寂静一片,所以有些小贩还将当天卖不完的食物,送给人吃。

The customers are seen before 11.00 a.m. . It will be very quiet after this hour. Some of the hawkers even give out the food to others before they pack and go back.

小孩的天地,这里售卖的是小朋友最喜欢的糖果,零食,玩具等。 The children's corner - there are sweets ,titbits and toys.

还有五颜六色的风车呢 ! 风车还在,但是童年呢?Also , the colourful pinwheels ! The pinwheels are still here , but where is the childhood ?

本地糕点 - 芋头糕,发糕,椰浆饭 ........ Local desserts - yam cake ," fatt gou" , nasi lemak......

哇,这么多人围着的摊子,卖些什么呢? Wow , why are the crowd ?

卖传统食物的大叔 - An uncle who is selling traditional chinese food.

我也不知道是什么名堂的食物 - 用面糊调成的,放进小锅里,盖上锅盖,用慢火煎它........
I don't know the name of the dessert , it is batter and then fried it in the small "wok" under low heat .

然后,.......... Then......

接下来,反转煎另一面........... Then , turn it to the other side ......

登登登灯 (音响效果)...........就成了这个东西 !我小时候好像吃过的,现在都很少人卖了。
Voila ...... it becomes like this ! It seems I had this before during my childhood, it rarely sees people selling this nowadays.

I had it during my childhood and never got to know the name of the food.
后记 :有个部落客Waiyin 告诉我,这是“Apong”。谢谢她让我知道。(请参阅:Comments )
Note: A blogger - Waiyin told me that this dessert is called " Apong". Thank you , Waiyin. (Pls refer to : Comments )

19/11 是我妹妹的生日。我将这篇部落格的帖子
献给她作生日礼物,因为都是吃的东西,算是请她吃了一顿啦 !
May,祝你生日快乐 !
It is my sister , May's birthday 19/11. I present her this post as her birthday present like giving her a treat since it is all about food.

May ,Wishing you a Happy Birthday !

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