冬至快乐 !


One of the students' mother gave me a bowl of glutinous rice ball ( " Tang yuan") during this Winter Solstice . I realised that these "tang yuan " were a bit different from the traditional round shape I had before. From the shape of these tang yuan , they were not rolled with palms. They should be rolled as a cylinder first and then were cut into bite-size by a knife. I felt that this mother is very clever , so I called it " Clever Tang Yuan"!
我觉得这个方法还蛮适合这个忙碌的现代社会。因为要一粒一粒的搓汤圆还蛮费时的。不过,话又说回头,一家人一家大小有机会参搓汤圆的事,也是一种乐趣!I think this is a better way of making tang yuan as it is quite suitable for the hectic life nowadays. On the other hand , if you can have everybody at home to take part of this event , then everybody can have fun too ! ....