寿包( 寿桃)是我小学同学SL 请我吃的 她自己做的寿包。
SL 是我九岁从关丹转校来怡保育才小学第一个认识的人。
本来我是个不那么喜欢吃寿包的人,因为总是嫌它的馅料太多太甜,包子太粗糙,而且通常吃寿包时都把馅料弄走 (怎么有这么奇怪的吃法啊 ?天晓得?)。
那个早晨,我只是打算蒸一个来吃而已。 谁知道当我看到里面的馅料是我要的分量,看到它里面的包子texture 也不错,就多蒸一个。
I also not really this to eat this kind of pau,scare the sweet filling..since you said this is good, I wish to have a try.
ReplyDelete呵呵, 你的寿包令我斗母宫的红龟 ^-^
ReplyDelete你看,我说你好命嘛!一天到晚有人送东西给你吃,还有时间拍照。告诉你,我明天去San Diego 看有没有什么景色可以拍的。
ReplyDeleteSonia : Go hunt for the best recipe share with us what you have discover !
ReplyDelete小妇人 : 我就是不喜欢吃斗母宫的寿包,又粗又硬 !糟糕,九皇爷会不会惩罚我 ?
张玉燕 : 你比我好命,比翼鸳鸯,跨国越州,游山玩水!
ReplyDeletehelloninie : 我以前小时比较喜欢吃Kosong 的‘米姑’,现在反而不喜欢吃那些了。
ReplyDelete小学同学?! That's good that you still stay in touch with 小学同学. I have lost touch with almost all of my 小学同学...唉...
ReplyDeleteThis 寿包 looks very tasty! Again, lucky you!
Great photos! Bamboo mat makes a nice background.
Colin : I still contact with about 5 小学同学。The relationship only can be continued if both party also treasure the friendship from the beginning.